Experience Buffalo, New York For a Day – 5 Top Things To Do
Buffalo is actually the second largest city in the New York state after New York city though under-rated because of the mega-fame of the latter. It’s also 6 hours, 600 km (~373 miles) away from New York city so you will need a lot of time to visit the two if you want to do both on a road trip unless you fly. Quieter and more spacious (establishments have parking lots), it displays a unique upstate New York vibe in the deco architecture as well as seasoned attractions be it history, recreational, shopping, and food.
Growing up in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), crossing the US-Can border and spend time in Niagara or Buffalo, New York has been a day activity I’ve known to do. The New York State border is about an hour away if you want to cross and get to Niagara or one hour and 30 minutes for Buffalo. My family would casually drive to the border to shop, eat American food we don’t get in Canada, and see concerts and events. Long weekends are the best times to go! We shop till we drop because of the great discounts retail stores offers. The states is known for having great sales. Specially when the Canadian dollar gets really close to U.S. dollar, my family don’t think twice of going. Therefore I’m an expert for this day trip kind of activity. Here are my top things to do in the city.
1. Go To Walden Galleria
This mega shopping mall has all the big international brands including the famous American department store chains like Lords & Taylor, Macy’s. Whenever I want to shop for clothes and products on a higher level than the outlet malls in Niagara, New York, I go to this shopping centre instead. For full American experience, the mall also includes great American restaurants chains P.F. Chang, Cheesecake Factory, and The Melting Pot. Shopaholics can easily spend the whole day here or even window shoppers.
2. Visit a Cemetery
WTH Eula, a cemetery? Yes, a cemetery, a cool one I swear. Called Forest Lawn Cemetery, founded in 1849, it is a cultural and historic destination for travellers but also for locals. It has beautiful murals and mausoleum artistic burial places that catches everyone’s eyes. Lush green trees shading burial places and locals enjoying recreational activities here.
Make sure to visit Margaret L. Wendt Archive and Visitor Center and helpful staffs will assist you to know more about the cemetery. They have a tour that runs for 1.5 hours around the original cemetery grounds pointing the famous people’s tombstone. Cars are welcome to drive in the cemetery and get mesmerized by the artistic gravestones and mausoleums. Locals enjoy recreational activities such as running and biking around.

3. Walk Around Downtown
The downtown core of Buffalo is right off highway I-190 exit on Elm St. or about a three minutes walk from the Greyhound Station. Walk around Pearl St, Delaware, and W Huron St. and experience the cultural art deco architecture and the other Theater District that’s not in New York city. This place gets lively at night with all the theaters lighting up their signs to showcase the night’s performance and people walking around and entering the venues.

4. Eat Buffalo Wings
When in Buffalo, eat Buffalo Wings. Yes, I mean it because you would not want to miss out to try this exciting chicken wings dish from where it originated. The city prides itself of creating the dish that the city produced a Buffalo Wing Trail, a food crawl of the top 12 wings across the city from specific restaurants.
I recommend two places to eat this dish: Anchor Bar and Duff’s Famous Wings.
Anchor Bar is the restaurant that gave birth to buffalo wings. This place has expanded and opened branches in Texas and Maryland as well as New York city, across the border to Canada, even delivers nationwide. I go to the original location for the authentic experience which is at the intersection of North Street and Main Street in Allentown.
If you’re into the challenge, try the Suicide Hot. I did and here’s what happened.
Another famous wings place for locals and visitors is Duff’s Famous Wings. Also has multiple locations throughout the state and even in Southwestern Ontario. Also go to the original one if you get the chance which is in the neighbouring city Amherst. Only 18 mins from downtown Buffalo through I-190 S then I-90 E.

5. Oh, and hotdogs too!
If your stomach is not full yet, I highly suggest you get some charcoal broiled hotdogs from Ted’s Hot Dogs. Also a local chain, they cook meat in a tube form on charcoal which makes a BIG difference. Tenderizes the meat in a whole new level which makes me a big fan of this traditional cooking method.

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